Why antipsychotics should not be prescribed for anxiety

The Oregonian published an Op-Ed piece that my colleague Christeine Terry and I wrote. The article addresses the growing practice of off-label use of antipsychotic medications to treat anxiety-related problems. Our aim was to bring public consciousness to this troubling trend. We write: Despite this lack of evidence, a 2007 study found nearly 1 in … Read more

Should I Be Using a Smartphone App for Anxiety Instead of Playing Angry Birds?

Recently, there’s been some press on the development of smartphone apps for mental health issues. I think this a very worthy area of pursuit. For a few dollars to download, thousands of people could conceivably practice more effective ways to deal with their anxiety—on the bus, subway, or waiting in line. Smartphone apps have potential … Read more

Book Review: OCD, A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed

Although OCD is commonly used to describe someone who is overly tidy, this stereotype doesn’t capture the common struggles of someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Perhaps as a consequence of stereotypes such as this, many people with OCD suffer for years — knowing that something is wrong but being uncertain how to even describe what they’re … Read more

Problems with Pulling Your Hair or Picking at Your Skin?—Try a Little TLC

Have you ever heard of trichotillomania or the wonderful organization called the Trichotillomania Learning Center (TLC)? See below to learn more. What’s Trichotillomania? Trichotillomania—or “trich” for short—is a problem that’s a little obscure even for professionals, but it impacts a lot of people. People with trich pull at their hair so often that it causes … Read more

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Portland Psychotherapy is a clinic, research & training center with a unique business model that funds scientific research. This results in a team of therapists who are exceptionally well-trained and knowledgeable about their areas of specialty.