Addressing Shame in Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Promising New Approach 

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a severe mental health condition characterized by an obsessive focus on perceived flaws in one’s appearance, often leading to significant distress and impairment in daily functioning. While Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been the gold standard treatment for BDD, many individuals do not respond adequately to this approach. Recent research suggests that shame plays a critical role in the development and maintenance of BDD symptoms. Therefore, targeting shame directly may enhance treatment outcomes for those suffering from this debilitating disorder. 

In a pioneering study published in Behavior Modification, a team of researchers including Jason Luoma PhD, from Portland Psychotherapy, developed and tested an innovative therapeutic approach that combines Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with compassion-focused approaches to address shame in individuals with BDD. This approach, called ACT with Compassion (ACTwC), is designed to reduce shame and self-criticism while increasing psychological flexibility and self-compassion. 

The Role of Shame in BDD 

Shame is a powerful emotion that involves seeing oneself as fundamentally flawed and unworthy. In BDD, this emotion is often tied to the perceived defects in one’s appearance, driving behaviors such as excessive mirror checking, comparing oneself to others, and social avoidance. These behaviors not only reinforce the negative self-view but also contribute to the persistence and severity of BDD symptoms. Research has consistently shown that higher levels of shame are associated with worse outcomes in BDD, including greater symptom severity, lower quality of life, and higher rates of depression. 

Despite the clear link between shame and BDD, traditional CBT does not specifically target shame, focusing instead on changing maladaptive thoughts and behaviors. The researchers recognized this gap and sought to create a treatment that would directly address the underlying shame fueling BDD symptoms. 

The ACT with Compassion Approach 

ACT with Compassion (ACTwC) integrates the principles of ACT, which encourages individuals to accept difficult emotions and commit to actions aligned with their values, with compassion-focused elements. The treatment protocol developed by the team involves 12 individual therapy sessions, each about 60 minutes long, delivered over weeks. 

The intervention includes psychoeducation about BDD and shame, mindfulness training, and experiential exercises designed to foster self-compassion and psychological flexibility. Patients are encouraged to confront and accept their feelings of shame rather than avoiding them, and to develop a kinder, more compassionate relationship with themselves. 

Promising Results from the Pilot Study 

The pilot study conducted by the researchers involved five participants diagnosed with BDD. The results were encouraging: four of the five participants showed significant reductions in BDD behaviors and self-criticism by the end of the treatment. Moreover, three participants reported decreases in body-related shame, and these improvements were maintained at a six-month follow-up. 

In addition to reductions in shame and self-criticism, participants experienced significant improvements in overall BDD symptoms, depressive symptoms, and quality of life. The treatment was well received, with participants rating it as highly credible and expressing satisfaction with the therapy. 

Implications for Future Treatment 

The findings from this study suggest that ACT with Compassion could be a promising new approach to treating BDD, particularly for individuals who struggle with intense shame and self-criticism. By directly targeting these underlying emotional drivers, this approach may offer a more effective treatment option for those who have not responded to traditional CBT. 

As with any new therapeutic approach, further research is needed to confirm these findings and to refine the treatment protocol. Larger, randomized controlled trials will be necessary to establish the efficacy of ACTwC compared to other treatments. However, the initial results are promising and suggest that this approach could help improve the lives of individuals suffering from BDD. 

You can find an open access version of this article here. 

New Insights into Psychologists’ Views on Psychedelic Therapy 

As interest grows among both clinicians and the public, psychedelic knowledge and reduced stigma within the psychology field will be critical to ensuring these treatments are implemented ethically, safely, and accessibly. Outreach, education, and interdisciplinary collaboration remain key priorities moving forward. 

A recent survey-study involving researchers at Portland Psychotherapy provides intriguing insights into psychologists’ attitudes toward the emerging use of psychedelics like psilocybin and MDMA in psychotherapy. The study, published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, found psychologists hold cautiously optimistic views about the promise of psychedelic-assisted therapy but also harbor concerns about safety risks. 

Led by Jason Luoma, PhD and Brian Pilecki, PhD of Portland Psychotherapy, the survey queried 366 licensed psychologists in the U.S. Using vignettes of client scenarios, the researchers examined psychologists’ openness to exploring psychedelic experiences therapeutically compared to alternative interventions like meditation retreats. 

Overall, most psychologists indicated receptiveness to discussing psychedelic experiences compassionately in therapy to foster learning. However, around 75% said they would likely warn clients about potential risks of psychedelic use, whereas only 25% would issue cautions around spiritual retreats. Many also expressed the need to consult colleagues due to limited knowledge of psychedelics. 

In ratings of treatment acceptability, psychologists viewed psychedelic-assisted therapy much less favorably than conventional medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder. They also saw greater risks and lower confidence in effectiveness with psychedelics compared to established interventions. 

Additionally, participants rated psychedelics as equivalently safe to alcohol and far riskier than cannabis. In truth, research shows psychedelics like psilocybin have very low rates of harm, in contrast to the extensive public health burden of alcohol. This highlights an urgent need to educate psychologists on the actual safety profiles and therapeutic mechanisms of psychedelics. 

On a positive note, most participants believed controlled psychedelic use in research is safe and merits continued scientific investigation. Over 80% felt research on psychedelics should continue to be researched. Still, less than half agreed psychedelics show promise for mental illness, signaling cautious optimism. 

In interpreting their findings, the Portland Psychotherapy researchers emphasized the influential role psychologists have in healthcare settings and policy. As interest grows among both clinicians and the public, psychedelic knowledge and reduced stigma within the psychology field will be critical to ensuring these treatments are implemented ethically, safely, and accessibly. Outreach, education, and interdisciplinary collaboration remain key priorities moving forward. 

Though this initial survey faced limitations like possible sampling bias, it provides a springboard to track evolving psychedelic perceptions among mental health professionals. Replication with psychologists and other providers will paint a clearer picture of where additional training and open dialogue are needed to overcome enduring misconceptions. As Luoma summarizes, “We must continue the complex process of safely integrating psychedelics into science and society.” 

Mitigating Risks in Psychedelic Integration Therapy: Practical Considerations 

Psychedelic HRIT is an emerging clinical area that requires careful consideration of risks associated with this type of therapy. Although it can be a powerful tool for mental health treatment, clinicians must be aware of the potential for licensing board sanctions, criminal prosecution, malpractice litigation, and professional reputation damage.

Psychedelic therapy has gained increasing attention as a potential treatment for a range of mental health conditions, from depression to PTSD. Along with this comes the need for harm reduction and integration therapy (HRIT) to help individuals navigate their psychedelic experiences safely and effectively. However, there are risks associated with conducting this type of therapy, particularly in regions where it is still illegal. In this blog post, we will outline some of the most common types of risk associated with psychedelic HRIT and suggest steps clinicians can take to mitigate these risks. 

One of the most significant areas of risk for clinicians offering psychedelic HRIT are licensing boards. Although clinicians may not be engaging in any illegal behavior, licensing boards have a broader mandate to assess professional conduct and determine if a clinician is acting outside the boundaries of acceptable practice. Licensing boards may receive complaints from clients, other clinicians, or members of the public, particularly in areas where psychedelic therapy is stigmatized. A client’s family or another provider may discover that a therapist is offering HRIT and perceive that the therapist has encouraged the client to use illegal substances, which could trigger a complaint. In addition, licensing boards may consider it a violation to engage in intention setting or other strategies aimed at maximizing benefit as they may be perceived as encouraging clients to engage in illegal activities. 

Another area of risk is criminal prosecution. If a therapist wants to do the maximum to avoid risk, they should avoid facilitating access to prohibited substances in any way and refrain from providing a space in which psychedelics could be used. Referring clients to underground guides or assisting them in the attainment of prohibited drugs is a clear violation of the law and could implicate a clinician in racketeering, conspiracy to commit a crime, or aiding and abetting unlawful acts.  

Malpractice litigation is another potential risk associated with psychedelic HRIT. If a client is harmed during a psychedelic experience, a therapist may be sued for failing to protect the client from harm, especially if psychedelic HRIT is considered a new treatment that lacks scientific evidence. Violation of standards of care could also be argued if a therapist does not take a more conventional approach to treatment. Practicing in any new or less proven area of practice will necessarily increase your liability and HRIT is no exception. 

Professional reputation is also an area of risk for clinicians offering psychedelic HRIT, particularly in more conservative regions or traditional therapeutic contexts. If clinicians perceive that publicizing their HRIT services might jeopardize their income or employment, it may limit the accessibility of this type of therapy for the public. Agencies may not support or permit this type of practice, and clinicians must be aware of these risks. It’s best to consider how your agency, your locale, and your colleagues might react before you offer this type of therapy. 

Mitigating these risks includes many possible steps, such as avoiding facilitating access to prohibited substances in any way, whether it be by referring clients to websites to obtain illegal substances or by providing a space in which psychedelics could be used. It is also important to carefully consider language used in advertising and documentation to ensure clarity and reduce the probability of misperceiving HRIT therapy as involving the administration of psychedelic substances. Clinicians should expand their competency by obtaining adequate training and access to consultation resources, and they should become familiar with empirical support for psychedelic-assisted therapy, including both strengths and limitations. Understanding the science and being able to speak from an informed, balanced, and evidence-based perspective demonstrates sound ethical practice. 

Psychedelic HRIT is an emerging clinical area that requires careful consideration of risks associated with this type of therapy. Although it can be a powerful tool for mental health treatment, clinicians must be aware of the potential for licensing board sanctions, criminal prosecution, malpractice litigation, and professional reputation damage. By avoiding facilitating access to prohibited substances, carefully considering language used in advertising and documentation, expanding competency through training and consultation resources, and becoming familiar with empirical support for psychedelic-assisted therapy, clinicians can mitigate risks and provide a valuable service to their clients. If you want to learn more about the ethical and legal aspects of working with psychedelics as a therapist before widespread legalization, you can read more at this paper that researchers at Portland Psychotherapy wrote that is a result of months of work and consultation. 

New Research Sheds Light on How Self-Criticism Damages Social Relationships 

The findings suggest some behaviors that may partially explain why highly self-critical people often experience poorer quality relationships and social isolation. Out of a desire to avoid rejection, self-critical individuals may mute their emotional expressions and conceal thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, this emotional guardedness can distance others and undermine relationship intimacy and closeness. 

A team of researchers from Portland Psychotherapy recently published an intriguing study that sheds light on how self-criticism can damage social relationships. Self-criticism, defined as the tendency to negatively and harshly evaluate oneself, has been linked to poorer interpersonal functioning and social isolation. However, the specific mechanisms underlying this association have been unclear. In this new study, published in Current Psychology, the research team identified some likely interpersonal behaviors through which self-criticism exacerbates social disconnection. 

The researchers, Jason B. Luoma, PhD and Christina Chwyl surveyed over 300 participants from the community. They measured self-criticism along with three interpersonal variables – expressive suppression, expression of positive emotions, and self-concealment. Expressive suppression involves inhibiting the outward display of emotions. Self-concealment refers to the tendency to hide personal information perceived as negative or distressing. 

The results showed that higher self-criticism was associated with greater expressive suppression, less expression of positive emotions, and more self-concealment. These relationships held even after accounting for the roles of depressive symptoms and emotional intensity. Among these variables, reduced positive emotional expression had the strongest link to lower feelings of social belonging among self-critical participants. 

The findings suggest some behaviors that may partially explain why highly self-critical people often experience poorer quality relationships and social isolation. Out of a desire to avoid rejection, self-critical individuals may mute their emotional expressions and conceal thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, this emotional guardedness can distance others and undermine relationship intimacy and closeness. 

Suppressing positive emotions, in particular, may deprive self-critical people of opportunities for social connection. Expressing positive emotions promotes relationship development and maintenance. Failing to outwardly share happiness, excitement, and affection could impair self-critical individuals’ ability to form close bonds. This intriguing study thus highlights the importance of fostering positive emotional expression for self-critical people’s social wellbeing. 

As the researchers note, their cross-sectional design precludes firm causal conclusions. Experimental and longitudinal research is needed to further test the study’s model. However, these results move our understanding forward by pinpointing specific interpersonal pathways that may fuel the isolating effects of self-criticism. 

The findings suggest that psychotherapies which help clients express emotions openly, authentically share about themselves, and connect with positive emotions could aid self-critical individuals in building fulfilling social relationships. By targeting key interpersonal behaviors, clinicians may be able to alleviate self-critical people’s loneliness and foster a greater sense of belonging. Remediating deficits in positive emotional expression seems particularly promising based on this study. Overall, these insights enhance our grasp of how self-criticism operates interpersonally and point toward avenues for reducing its detrimental social impacts. 

Are Psychologists Ready for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy? Insights from a New Study   

Psychedelic-assisted therapy has been gaining attention in recent years, with promising early results in clinical trials. However, negative attitudes toward psychedelics remain a potential impediment to the dissemination of these therapies. A recent study involving researchers from Portland Psychotherapy and funded by their social enterprise business model aimed to investigate the attitudes of psychologists, a … Read more

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