Lovingkindness meditation series

In times of difficulty one of the most helpful things to do is to simply respond with kindness. But that’s often easier said than done and it takes practice. Lovingkindness (LKM) or Metta meditation is a way to practice intentionally cultivating an attitude of kindness and friendliness, both to yourself and others. We’ve just recorded a new set of guided meditations that take you through the four phases of LKM which you can now find on our website here (under the Lovingkindness meditation series (female voice) heading). And in case you think this is all too warm and fuzzy for you, here are 21 science-based reasons to try Lovingkindness Meditation from our sister website ACTwithCompassion.

Portland Psychotherapy 2019 Year in Review

Hello colleagues and friends. Looking back on this year at Portland Psychotherapy we feel a tremendous sense of gratitude for being able to continue to do this meaningful work, and also excitement for what the future holds. We wanted to take this time to pause and share with you all, our friends and colleagues in … Read more

Shame and substance use are not related: Surprising results from the first ever meta-analysis of this relationship

Many researchers and theorists discuss shame as an inherently negative emotion that is always problematic. In this view, shame involves negatively evaluating one’s self and is often contrasted with guilt, which involves negatively evaluating one’s behavior. According to this view, shame motivates people to avoid situations and withdraw from others so that they can protect … Read more

What Makes Us Unique

Portland Psychotherapy is a clinic, research & training center with a unique business model that funds scientific research. This results in a team of therapists who are exceptionally well-trained and knowledgeable about their areas of specialty.