Huffington Post Article on Hair Pulling and Skin Picking

One of my specialties is working with people who struggle with repetitive hair pulling (called trichotillomania) and/or skin picking (called dermatillomania or excoriation). Individuals with these conditions often do damage to their appearance. In the case of hair pulling, some people pull enough to create thinning in their hair and sometimes bald patches. They may … Read more

Hair Pulling (AKA Trichotillomania) and Skin Picking Problems – Greater Research Support for Behavior Therapy over Medication

Trichotillomania (or trich for short) is a condition in which people repeatedly pull out their body hair, often leading to bald patches and thinning. The scalp is a common site—as are eyebrows and eyelashes—but some may pick at hair anywhere on the body. A related condition is repetitive skin picking. This condition did not have … Read more

Serving Those Who Have Served: Caring for veterans and their companion animals

“Thank you for your service!” How many of us have offered these words of appreciation when we see a service member in uniform? And they are appropriate, albeit vastly insufficient words. But as I was perusing Upworthy on Veteran’s Day morning, I came across stories of two amazing organizations that are expressing their appreciation to … Read more

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Portland Psychotherapy is a clinic, research & training center with a unique business model that funds scientific research. This results in a team of therapists who are exceptionally well-trained and knowledgeable about their areas of specialty.