Misophonia: what the heck is it and what’s a trigger?

Misophonia is a condition in which a person has an automatic, unpleasant internal reaction to specific sounds.  This reaction can vary from frustration to panic and even rage, and can be quite an intense experience for the sufferer.  Sounds that lead to this reaction are typically sounds from everyday life, such as others’ chewing food/gum, … Read more

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Portland, Oregon

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a specific type of psychotherapy that is different from traditional “talk therapy.”  A few key differences are that CBT is research-based, more structured, and and more goal-directed than other types of therapies.  If you are looking for more of a “hands on” or an active approach, CBT might be a … Read more

How to Read Your Emotions Part II: Put on Your Spec’s

Reading your emotions is all about perspective. Perspective is just a place from which you are looking at something – it’s a point of view from which you observe things as they happen. Your experience of an event can be dramatically different depending on how you view that experience. If you’re watching a movie but … Read more

What Makes Us Unique

Portland Psychotherapy is a clinic, research & training center with a unique business model that funds scientific research. This results in a team of therapists who are exceptionally well-trained and knowledgeable about their areas of specialty.