Telehealth Treatment for Hairpulling: As Effective as In-Person Treatment

In Portland, Oregon, where I live, potential therapy clients have access to wide range of therapists who use evidence-based practices. However, this is not true for people who live in many other areas of the state. Telehealth, that is, healthcare provided through videoconferencing platforms, is one means through which people living in more rural parts … Read more

Haunted by Memories of Sexual Assault? How Therapy Can Help Decrease Shame and Transform Your Emotions

Sadly, countless people in this country have been sexually assaulted. And for a long time, they were taught that they should not speak up about their trauma. Over the past few years, a long-overdue conversation about the prevalence of sexual assault has opened up. The #MeToo movement encouraged people to share their experiences with sexual … Read more

Are Psychedelics Right for You? What You Need to Know

You can’t miss it. If you use social media, Netflix, television, or listen to podcasts, you have likely noticed increased attention on the therapeutic use of psychedelics. Maybe you’ve read Michael Pollan’s book How to Change your Mind or watched a documentary on microdosing in Silicon Valley. However, this topic is not actually a new … Read more

What Makes Us Unique

Portland Psychotherapy is a clinic, research & training center with a unique business model that funds scientific research. This results in a team of therapists who are exceptionally well-trained and knowledgeable about their areas of specialty.