At Portland Psychotherapy we are honored that our clients trust us with some of their most private information and we take our responsibility of protecting that information very seriously. One of the benefits of seeing a provider at an organization like Portland Psychotherapy is that we have established protocols and systems in place to ensure that our clients’ confidentiality and privacy are maintained.
To give you a sense of how important we take the security of your confidential information, we at Portland Psychotherapy…
- have a detailed security policy that is reviewed on a regular basis
- employ a dedicated staff member who is responsible for ensuring that the security policies we have established are always maintained
- maintain electronic medical records that not only comply but exceed state and federal privacy regulations
- require that all staff at the center receive specialized training on handling confidential medical records and safeguarding clients’ “protected health information”
- have contracted computer security professionals to guide us in implementing state-of-the-art software and hardware security solutions to maintain computer and internet security
We also provide a secure building environment. A security code is required to enter the building, ensuring that only those who have legitimate business at the Center have access.
At your first appointment, your provider will review with you in detail our policies regarding your confidentiality, as well as explicitly detail those rare circumstances in which the law might require us to break that confidentiality (for example, if you or someone else’s life is in immediate danger).
If you have any questions or concerns about this information or our policies around confidentiality, please feel free to talk with your provider or ask for our Director of Clinical Services at 503-281-4852.